Are you ready to promote your business, ministry or music?

Promote Your Business or Ministry
SoundTrack Media Promotions and WONIRadio have something special for you.
Get a promotional video and an mp3 audio commercial for only $249.00.
Promote your video commercial on YouTube and any social media platform including WONIRadio's Facebook and Twitter page. [audio & video commercial may be between 30 to 50 seconds depending upon the wording content and the of the production.]
Your audio commercial will play on WONI and KBRW and will be placed on the WONI and KBRW webpage; then uploaded to our YouTube channel and the link will be placed in the WONI MARKET PLACE section on the WONI Music App.
Your family, friends and WONI listeners will be able to view, like, share and subscribe to your YouTube Page via the WONI Music App.
Optional financing is available.
This offer is exclusively for the Hebrew Israelite Community.

Expose and promote your business, music or ministry in the WONI Market Place on the WONI Radio App. Embed your website or image with a backlink to your social media.
Your customers and WONIRadio listeners will have easy access to see and/or buy your product, music or service.
Basic Package
Ad spots are $5.00 a month; billed monthly.
(Save $10.00 when you purchase 12 months for only $50.00.)
Exclusive Package
Ad Spots for 12 months - $50.00
An audio commercial on WONI and KBRW that runs for 12 months for a onetime payment of $50.00. Total package: $100.00

Rotating Banners
ROTATING BANNER ADS on WONI and KBRW pages. A rotating banner ad is $20.00 a month (with a minimum of two images and a maximum of 5 images) which will link back to your website or any of your social media platforms.
A minimum of 4 months ($80.00).
The Banner Ad image and test must fit into a rectangle of 450x450. Monthly payments can be arranged. Contact WONIRadio for details at 1nationisrael@gmail.com.
Add Title (optional)

Add text and link here. Link may be attached to the text.

Horizonal Banners
The price for HORIZONTAL BANNERS on WONI, and KBRW is $30.00 a month (30 days).
Send your images, links and text to to 1nationisrael@gmail.com.
For pricing on HORIZONTAL BANNERS with individual rotating images or any special imaging
contact WONIRadio via email at 1nationisrael@gmail.com.